Granular Cast

Granular Cast

Granular Cast in Urine Sediment
CEA Tumor Marker Elisa Kit

CEA – Carcino Embryonic Antigen Tumor Marker

The CEA test measures the level of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in the blood. CEA is a protein normally found in the tissue of a developing baby in the womb. The blood level of this ...
Caulobacter - Stalked and Swarmer Cell

Stalked Bacteria – Caulobacter crescentus

“Stalked Bacteria” is unusual shape of bacteria, example: Caulobacter crescentus Caulobacter has daughter cells . One daughter is a mobile “swarmer” cell that ...
Epithelial Cell Cast

Epithelial Cell Cast

Epithelial Cell Cast in Urine Sediment
Schistocyte in a case of β- thalassemia intermedia

Schistocyte in a case of β- thalassemia intermedia

This smear from a β- thalassemia intermedia patient, the arrow point to a Schistocyte The Findings: – Anisocytosis – Poikilocytosis – Hypochromia – Target ...
Calcium oxalate crystals

Calcium oxalate crystals

Calcium oxalate crystals (shown above) can be present in urine when oxalate-rich foods such as tomatoes, spinach, garlic, oranges, and asparagus are ingested. Calcium oxalate ...
ABO Blood Types

ABO Blood Types with Antigens and Antibodies


Reticulocytes using vital stain

In the presence of some anemias, the body increases production of red blood cells (RBCs), and sends these cells into the bloodstream before they are mature. These slightly immature ...
Giant Platelet

Giant Platelet on a smear

The arrow point to a Giant platelet, notice its size more than red cell size
Red Blood Cell Morphologies

basophilic stippling – howel jolley bodies – Cabot Ring – Heinz bodies

A: Basophilic Stippling B: Howel-Jolley Bodies C: Cabot’s Ring E: Heinz Bodies

The rod-shaped appearance of the central pallor – stomatocyte

The rod-shaped appearance of the central pallor is characteristic of a stomatocyte.This image was obtained from the peripheral blood smear of an 86 year-old male who presented with ...
RBC and WBC in Urine Sediment

RBC and WBC in Urine Sediment

RBC and WBC in Urine Sediment – The upper arrow shows white blood cell – The lower arrow shows red blood cell
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