This is a normal peripheral blood smear, you might notice very slightly anisocytosis and poikilocytosis
Red cells here are normochormic and central pallor is around 1/3 of cell diameter ...
This is normal bone marrow smear at low power field magnification, you can see the erythroid island, granulocytes series and megakaryocytes.
This marrow is 50% cellular with steatocytes(1) ...
The image was captured from a case of β- thalassemia intermedia; findings include anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, hypochromia, target cells and many fragmented red blood cells
The arrow ...
Sahli pippetes usually used as Haemoglobin pipettes for dosing the blood with capacity of 20 μl
From top to the bottom:
Blast (you don’t specify it’s type)
It is morphologically impossible to say what kind of blast it is.
Stool Analysis shows this shape that looks like Trichuris Trichura ova but infact it’s Artifact (Bee pollen)
The RBC’s here have stacked together in long chains. This is known as “rouleaux formation” and it happens with increased serum proteins, particularly fibrinogen and ...
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome: The granulocytes contain large abnormal cytoplasmic granules.
Platelet clumps are often discovered when a low automated platelet count is investigated.
The pseudo-thrombocytopenia is commonly the result of the presence of :
cold agglutinins
EDTA ...
The elements present in the low power field include: calcium oxalate crystals and squamous epithelial cells.
calcium oxalate crystals in the high power field x40, note the letter ...
Pelger- Huët anomaly is a benign hereditary condition recognized by the bilobed nucleus of most neutrophils. The cells appear to function normally.
Pseudo– Pelger-Huët is the ...
37 years old woman, high fewer, shore throat and abdominal pain.
High WBC count, left shift in the differential count (metamyelocytes and bands) and low thrombocytes.
D-dimer was also ...