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CA125 Tumor Marker

CA-125 Tumor Marker Overview

CA-125 is a Tumor Marker used to monitor therapy during treatment for ovarian cancer. CA-125 is also used to detect whether cancer has come back after treatment is complete. This test ...
C Reactive Protein - CRP

C-Reactive protein (CRP) Overview

CRP increases in cases of inflammation, the test is ordered when acute inflammation is a risk (such as from an infection after surgery) or suspected based on patient symptoms. It is ...
Autoimmune Hepatitis

ASMA – anti-smooth muscle autoantibodies Overview

This test and the ANA test are ordered when a doctor suspects that the patient has autoimmune hepatitis. They are usually ordered when a patient presents with symptoms such as fatigue ...
Bilirubin Metabolism

Total and Direct Bilirubin Overview

Bilirubin , Direct Conjugated Bilirubin is a better indicator than total Bilirubin during the resolving phase of hepatic and cholestatic disorders. Direct Conjugated Bilirubin accumulates ...

Asparate Aminotransferase (AST)-(SGOT)

An AST test is ordered along with several other tests to evaluate a patient who seems to have symptoms of a liver disorder. Some of these symptoms include jaundice (yellowing of the ...
AntiStreptolysin O (ASO)

Anti-Streptolysin O Titer (ASOT) Overview

The ASO test is ordered when a patient has symptoms that the doctor suspects may be due to an illness caused by a previous streptococcal infection. It is ordered when the symptoms ...
Bleeding Time

Bleeding Time Overview

Bleeding Time is a screening test for disorder of platelets function, both congenital and acquired: useful in the diagnosis of Von Willebrand’s disease. Thrombocytopenia or aspirin ...
Alpha Fetoprotein AFP, Liver, Ovarian, Testes, Fetus abonrmality

Alpha Feto Protein – Serum (AFP) Overview

Physician may order an AFP blood test when he: ⊕ suspects that a patient has liver cancer or certain cancers of the testes or ovaries. ⊕ is monitoring a patient with chronic liver ...
Alkaline Phosphatase

Overview of Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

ALP is generally part of a routine lab testing profile, often with a group of other tests called a liver panel. It is also usually ordered along with several other tests if a patient ...

Overview of Albumin

A physician orders a blood albumin test (usually along with several other tests) if a person seems to have symptoms of a liver disorder or nephrotic syndrome. Doctors may also order ...
ANA | Anti-Nuclear-Antibody

Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (ANA)

Because autoimmune diseases can be difficult to diagnose, this test offers a reliable first step for identifying SLE and some other autoimmune disorders with a wide variety of symptoms. ...

Serum Amylase – Overwiew

An amylase test may be ordered if you show symptoms of a pancreatic disorder, such as severe abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, or nausea. Normal values for amylase depend ...
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