Direct immunofluorescence test is used to detect unknown antigen in a cell or tissue by employing a known labeled antibody that interacts directly with unknown antigen. If antigen ...
The distinction between amorphous urates and amorphous phosphates is often made on the urinary pH basis but the following can help in differentiation:
Phosphate is seen in alkaline ...
Factors known to be promoters of cast formation are:
Increased amount of certain proteins as Albumin, Myoglobin ,and Hemoglobin
Urinary stasis
Cellular debris
Low glomerular filtration ...
One monocyte with folded nucleus. Normal blood – 100X
One osteoclast with 2 nuclei. Normal marrow -100X
Two young monocytes, 1 with many vacuoles. Normal blood – 100X
Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals vary in size and may have a spindle, oval, or dumbbell shape.
Found normally in urine after ingestion of vit C, tomato, spinch, garlic , orange.
Urine Ketone usually ordered for these purposes:
Screening for ketonuria in pregnant women because ketoacidosis is a prominent factor that contributes to intrauterine death.
Screening ...
This is a rare chronic lymphoproliferative disorder seen in elderly in which patients have high total leukocyte count along with massive splenomegaly. The prolymphocytes are morphologically ...
Petechiae, Purpura and Ecchymoses are the three terms that refer to bleeding that occurs in the skin. the term “petechiae” refers to smaller lesions. “Purpura” ...
Chilomastix mesnili is cosmopolitan in distribution although found more frequently in warm climates. It is thought to be non-pathogenic although the trophozoite has been ...
Trichuris trichiura, more commonly known as the Whip Worm, due to the whip-like form of the body. These nematodes are most commonly seen in tropical climates and in areas ...