Starch crystals from glove powder in urine (artifacts)
(A) – Cast Artifact
(B) – Real Hyaline Cast
This object may be mistaken for thin shelled hookworm eggs or decorticated Ascaris eggs.
The irregular contour of the outer membrane and the general appearance should suggest ...
Careful study of the inner mass reveals its lack of typical features of an oncosphere normally seen in Taenia eggs (embryonic hooklets, etc.).
Absence of the radial striation is ...
Charcot-Leyden crystals are formed from the breakdown of eosinophils and may be seen in the stool or sputum of patients with parasitic diseases especially tissue-invading parasites ...
Unknown object in a concentrated stool specimen. This object looks like the egg of Hymenolepis but lacks refractile hooks and the polar filaments seen in H. nana.
Spur cell RBC (Acanthocyte)
May be smaller or the size of a normal RBC
Irregular narrow-base sharp projections of red cell membrane (looking like cowboy boot spurs)
Increased in:
End ...
Plant cell in a concentrated wet mount of stool. Such material can be common in stool and may be confused for helminth eggs, although they are usually much larger than the eggs of most ...
Plant hair in a concentrated wet mount of stool. Plant hairs can be common in stool and may be confused for the larvae of hookworm or Strongyloides stercoralis. However, they are often ...
Pollen grain in a concentrated wet mount of stool. This grain looks very similar to the fertile egg of Ascaris lumbricoides, although the spine-like structures on the outer layer should ...