(a) Candida albicans: green, smooth colonies; CMA: large, thick-walled chlamydospore, usually terminal and present singly or in small clusters along with clusters of round blastoconidia.
(b) Candida tropicalis: blue colonies (sometimes pink); CMA: oval blastoconidia singly or in very small groups all along graceful, long pesudohyphae.
(c) Candida krusei: large, spreading pink colonies with matt surface; CMA: pseudohyphae with blastoconidia forming cross-matchstick appearance.
(d) Candida parapsilosis: off-white to pale pink large colonies; CMA: short, pencil-like pseudohyphae with blastoconidia arranged singly along pseudohyphae.
(e) Candida rugosa: white, pasty colonies with a blue hue; CMA: yeast cells with bunch-like, short pseudohyphae bearing blastoconidia.
(f) Candida glabrata: pink, small glossy colonies; CMA: yeast cells only.
(g) Candida hemulonii: pale pink colonies; CMA: round to oval yeast cells only.
(h) Trichosporon asahii: tiny, rough, dry-looking dirty blue colonies with a powdery surface; CMA: hyphae, pseudohyphae and arthroconidia.
(i) Candida utilis: pink, glossy colonies; CMA: ovoid yeast cells.
(j) Candida sphaerica: pink, matt colonies; CMA: large, ovoid yeast cells.
(k) Candida pelliculosa: dark pink matt colonies; CMA: small, oval yeast cells
Source: ijmm.org/article.asp?issn=0255-0857;year=2011;volume=29;issue=2;spage=172;epage=177;aulast=Agarwal