- Myoglobin is a heme-containing and Oxygen binding protein which is present in the cystoplasm of Skeletal and Cardiac muscle cells. It serves as a reservoir of oxygen.
- When muscle cell injury happens as in (myocardial infarction or Trauma) then myoglobin is released into the blood and this usually begin 2 – 6 hours following muscle tissue damage, peaks in 8 to 12 hours and returns to a normal level in about 1 day. Myoglobin is excerted by the kidneys (myoglobinuria) and is detected in the urine up to 1 week following the muscle tissue injury.
- Normal Values: <85 ng/mL
- Clinical Hint: since myoglobin is found in both skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, then it’s very necessary to do other tests such as CK-MB + Troponin to make sure that the elevated myoglobin levels are duo to cardiac damage.