Myoglobin is a heme-containing and Oxygen binding protein which is present in the cystoplasm of Skeletal and Cardiac muscle cells. It serves as a reservoir of oxygen.
When muscle ...
Creatine kinase (CK)
It’s an enzyme found primarily in the heart and skeletal muscles, and in smaller amounts in the brain. When the total CK level is substantially elevated, ...
This patient had a Urinalysis, the dipstick results were as follow:
Glucose – 100 mg/dL
Bilirubin – neg
Ketone – neg
Specific Gravity – 1.010
Blood – ...
Myoglobin is a heme-containing, oxygen-binding protein which is present in the cytoplasm of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. It serves as a reservoir of oxygen to meet very short-term ...
This is simple diagram shows the three zone of antibody-antigen reactions: