Fungi reproduce by either:
1- Sexual reproduction:
formation of Zygospore, ascospores or basidiospores
2- Asexual reproduction :
– Budding or fission
– Asexual spores ...
Depending on cell morphology classified as :
Yeast like fungi
Dimorphic fungi
1- Yeasts:
Unicellular fungi which reproduce by budding On culture – produce ...
It makes sense that two organisms in the same niche should compete for space and resources. Far more interesting is the fact that sometimes fungi and bacteria will work together in ...
hyphae (the plural from hypha) is a long, branching filamentous structure of a fungus and also found in Actinobacteria.
hyphae are collectively together called a mycelium
A ...
Yeast in an iodine-stained concentrated wet mount of stool. Yeast in wet mounts may be confused for Giardia