(a) Candida albicans: green, smooth colonies; CMA: large, thick-walled chlamydospore, usually terminal and present singly or in small clusters along with clusters of round blastoconidia. ...
Fungi reproduce by either:
1- Sexual reproduction:
formation of Zygospore, ascospores or basidiospores
2- Asexual reproduction :
– Budding or fission
– Asexual spores ...
Depending on cell morphology classified as :
Yeast like fungi
Dimorphic fungi
1- Yeasts:
Unicellular fungi which reproduce by budding On culture – produce ...
Several morphologic terms are used to help identify species of fungi:
Ascocarp: A large saclike structure in which sexual spores are produced.
Asci: Smaller sacs within an ascocarp ...
hyphae (the plural from hypha) is a long, branching filamentous structure of a fungus and also found in Actinobacteria.
hyphae are collectively together called a mycelium
A ...