The Auramine-Rhodamine stain (AR), is histological technique used to visualize acid-fast bacilli using fluorescence microscopy, especially the Mycobacterium genus like Tuberculosis ...
Isospora belli oocyst with one sporoblast – Ziehl–Neelsen stain
There are numerous fragmented RBC’s seen here. Some of the irregular shapes appear as “helmet” cells. Such fragmented RBC’s are known as “schistocytes” ...
How Thalassemia is passed on from parents to children
Naegleria fowleri exists as a free-living amoeba in freshwater such as lakes, and swimming pools and it cause dangerous amebic meningoencephalitis
N.fowleri has 3 forms:
Amoeboid ...
The auramine-rhodamine stain (AR), is histological technique used to visualize acid-fast bacilli using fluorescence microscopy, especially the Mycobacterium genus like Tuberculosis ...
Entamoeba coli Cysts in feces (iodine stain, oil immersion).
In these two cysts, five or six of the eight nuclei are visible in the plane of focus.
Click on the image to show it in full resolution
Plasmacytoid lymphocyte showing large size, deep basophilic blue cytoplasm, coarse reticular chromatin and 2 prominent nucleoli
Seen in Viral reaction
Haemophilus spp does not grow on 5% Sheep Blood Agar, which contains hemin (factor X) but lacks NAD (factor V).
Haemophilus influenzae will grow in the hemolytic zone of ...