Pathogenesis and Infectious Disease:
a common cause of urinary tract infections and wound infections, septicemia, and pneumonia
Test Results:
P. mirabilis :
- Lactose fermentation: negative (clear or pale pink colonies)
- HE/XLD : yellow or clear colonies
- IMViC : -/+/v/v
- Orn : positive
- TSI : K/A
- H2s : positive
- Urea : postive
- Motility : positive
- PAD : positive
P. vulgaris :
- Lactose fermentation: negative (clear or pale pink colonies)
- HE/XLD : yellow or clear colonies
- IMViC : +/+/-/-
- Orn : negative
- TSI : A/A
- H2s : positive
- Urea : positive
- Motility : positive
- PAD : positive